This 12th & last "Day" of Christmas has been reserved to honor and to acknowledge someone very special!
We at MUMs would like to thank, from the bottom of our hearts, our most involved and self-sacrificing MUMs volunteer!
He has volunteered since the first ride was given, back in September of 1999. Every time we have called on him for support, he has been there.
When our Board of Directors was formed, he attended as a non-voting member to advise us and help us along. Since that time, he has never missed a Board Meeting.
We have called on him continually, and we have never called upon him and heard him say, "I'm too busy."
He has ridden with me in my van.
He has ridden with our volunteer drivers in their vans, and their cars, and their trucks.
He has stayed behind to visit with our passengers whenever they were going through tough times and needed to talk with someone.
He has made a long-term commitment to helping the needy and relieving the oppressed and he has held true to that commitment.
And so, we at MUMs take this opportunity at the end of this year to acknowledge Him and to say to Him . . . . . .
Thank You, Jesus!
Thank You, Lord.
Thank You, Master.
Thank You, Redeemer.
Thank You, Counselor.
Thank You, Prince of Peace.
Thank You, Everlasting Father.
Thank You, Ancient of Days.
Thank You, Almighty God!!
And, we would also like to say:
Without You, Lord, we are lost.
Without You, Lord, we have no hope.
And, With You, Lord, we can do all things.
Help us, Lord, to do the things that please You.
Help us, Lord, to have Your compassion for the real people with real needs who live all around us.
Help us, Lord, to help them.
(And, Lord... would you please serve on our Board of Directors again, next year?)
Thank YOU!!!!!!!
To All MUMs Drivers, Helpers, and Contributors!
How could we ever THANK YOU, enough for all the time and effort and resources and prayers that you have poured into MUMs, this year?!?!!!
Many lives have been touched and changed because of your service to Jesus through the MUMs Ministry! May He Bless you Abundantly through the New Year and through all your life here on earth!
In heaven, I pray to be close by when He recounts all your deeds of servanthood!!
What a day that will be!
Until then, it is a great privilege to be able to work alongside YOU!
Thank You!!!
Randy Nichols,
Dir., MauryUNITEDMinistries
All the MUMs Team!
Next Story:
New Year's Day - The Symphony
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