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Maury United Ministries
12 Days of Christmas - Introduction
For a number of years, at Christmas time, we published the "12 Days of Christmas" in booklet form and distributed them to many church...

Maury United Ministries
Where's Mom? (On the 1st Day of Christmas)
Four years ago he already knew that his Mom wasn't like other Mom's. He was in K4. His class had just returned from the library. They...

Maury United Ministries
Bottom of the List (On the 2nd Day of Christmas)
I knock at the paint-chipped door. "Who's there?" The voice is gruff and belligerent. "Randy, with MUMs Transportation" "What do you...

Maury United Ministries
Sane Again - Part I (On the 3rd Day of Christmas)
I heard some people talking! They said, "She is back in her right mind!" They said, "You wouldn't recognize her!" They said, "She is even...

Maury United Ministries
Sane Again Part ll (On the 4th Day of Christmas)
Well, I talked with her today! She is working as a waitress at a local restaurant! And they were right! It IS amazing!!! Listen,...

Maury United Ministries
Eyes for Christmas (On the 5th Day of Christmas)
When she is finally settled into the front seat of the van, she smells of stale beer and cigarettes. It has taken some time and a lot of...

Maury United Ministries
Even When God Was Little (On the 6th Day of Christmas)
Not long ago, at a fundraising event, an old-time friend approached me with an apologetic look on his face. The previous year, he had...

Maury United Ministries
Merry Christmas! (On the 7th Day of Christmas)
Please allow us, on this 7th Day of Christmas, to highlight for you some of the Christian Non-Profit Ministries in Maury County. Through...

Maury United Ministries
A God Moment (On the 8th Day of Christmas)
Sometimes it takes countless rides over the course of hundreds of days before you and a passenger are blessed with a "God moment"....

Maury United Ministries
No Cripples (On the 9th Day of Christmas)
Her left hand is permanently locked into a clenched fist. Birth defect. She can't grasp anything with it, but she frequently hangs her...

Maury United Ministries
Crystal Clear (On the 10th Day of Christmas)
Crystal is a long-time MUMs passenger who has become one of our helpers. By God's Grace and with the help of many of our MUMs drivers,...

Maury United Ministries
"It" (On the 11th Day of Christmas)
Whenever I'm having trouble being thankful, all I have to do is think of "It"! "It" belongs to one of our passengers. She is very poor,...

Maury United Ministries
Man of the Year (On the 12th Day of Christmas)
This 12th & last "Day" of Christmas has been reserved to honor and to acknowledge someone very special! We at MUMs would like to thank,...

Maury United Ministries
The Symphony (New Years Day)
We are always aware that we are a VERY SMALL PART of what God is doing through His Church here in Maury County! While it is true that we...
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